Adds functionality to the mixerwagon.
– Mixing time: The ingredients for mixed rations now actually need to be mixed for a set amount of time (see below) before they become mixed rations.
– Decay: Leaving mixed rations in a mixerwagon for too long (see below), will result in it clumping up and unbinding, requiring more mixing. Nothing will be lost, it just requires mixing again.
– Mixing time: Easy: 15s, Normal: 30s, Hard: 60s.
– Decay
– Starts after: Easy: 6h, Normal: 4h, Hard: 2h.
– Fully decayed after: Easy: 36h, Normal: 24h, Hard: 12h.
– Should automatically work on all mixerwagons that have the ‘mixerWagon’ specialization.
– Mixing status can be seen in the F1 help menu box.
This mod has been tested on a dedicated server. Even though testing was thorough, mistakes may have slipped through. If you find one, please let me know in the ModHub Mod Bug-Reports topic on the GIANTS Software Forum.