OM 50 R v2.0 FS17
Version 2.0
– Errors corrected
– New textures (diffuse, specular, normal)
– I.C (start, lights, lower back)
– New sounds (start, idle, run, load, stop)
– new anomations ( with left mouse button, we can translate indoor camera from left to right), and new configurations at the shop (2wd and 4wd wheels)
Hi, I present the om 50 r, a tractor built in the 60’s, 50 hp and 4 cylinders, I hope you like it Features
-Lans are animated
-i.c (inner light and bonnet hatchback)
– depreciated Animated Entrance
-Add chains to the wheels
– Possibility to remove grille bonnet
-can choose plate
-can take away beacon light
-possibilita choose at the store 3 versions: with lifts, with the triangle, or just with triangles and pto
-key animated
-ingition light
Gear box addon
Salve, vi presento l’om 50 r, un trattore fabbricato negli anni 60, da 50 cavalli e 4 cilindri, spero vi piaccia
-Lancette animate
-asse basculante
-i.c (luce interna e botola cofano)
-sedile ammortizzato
entrata animata
-aggiunta catene alle ruote
-Possibilità togliere griglia cofano
-possibilita scegliere targa
-possibilita togliere lamoeggiante
-pedali animati
-possibilita scelgiere al negozio 3 versioni: con sollevatore, con il triangolo, o solo con gangi odi triano e pto
-chiave animata
-spia accensione
-gear box addon