Welcome to Pine Cove Farm.
Pine Cove Farm V1, FS2017 PC only.
Map size 874md zip.
I recommend you run this map in a separate mod folder free from any other maps, most of you know the benefits from doing this anyway not just to prevent conflicts or error bleed over.
The maps been heavily tested over the past week however it’s v1 so if you spot anything or have an issue you know what you do, contact me on here with information and I try and fix it as soon as I can.
This map requires a strong PC system with an Nvidia GTX 980 or 1080 graphics card to view and play as it was intended. I can not guarantee it will work on your system, but hope it does for you.
Unzip the downloaded file and place the Pine Cove Farm map into your mods folder and activate it in your mod panel once in game, The other included file is map information text.
Mods not included you that will find usefull for the map. Webalizers chopped straw, Farmer_Andy’s Kotte Universal Tanker Mod, and Stop Milk Sale.
Credits for the installed mods are in the information text file included with the map.
This map or any part of it may not be edited and re-uploaded. The original download link must be used or at least included for modsite distribution.
Chopped straw.
17 medium to large fields.
5 user customisable field zones.
1 Larger main Farm.
Large natural forestry zone.
Installed mods by some of the best mod makers around.
Good selection of starting Vehicles.
Gold nugget challenge and more.
Cutom PDA map.
Free water.
Diesel, liquid fertilizer, fertilizer, manure, seeds production and sale points.
Pallet production all with pallet movers and autosell triggers.
Gold Crest town, freeway, models and railsystem retained as I like them although they are edited.
Made from the GCE1009 template and modified further.
Map and log are error free and Pine Cove Farm was tested on MP servers, have fun.
mayby it is just me but i can’t refuel the kompost
found the problem just needed to read all
Hello Stevie, my friend!
Forgive me the mistakes of writing and spelling because I am typing by the translator.
I like the mods you make and edit. You show great taste in your work.
I’ve worked with AutoCad for about 5 years but it’s been 11 years since I’ve edited it, and I’ve forgotten just about everything.
The Giants Editor has some cad principles but I can not edit them.
Would you make a mod of a Brazilian implement for us to play in FS17?
If so, follow my e-mail so we can talk and I’ll send you the mod:
Att, Vitor Sampaio
Steam Nick: Violeiro_Somrbio
Hey stevie!
Sorry but I use google translate ..
I think your map is FANTASTIC! everything works and it’s good
it is really nice, you can see there are some hours in it .. but, can look to sell fuel. can not figure out how I can fix it?
hoping for a little help
this is an awesome map and i love playing it.
Unfortunately there are two little Problems.
1. No sell Point for Milk!
The pick up Point next to the barn is there, but unfortunately nowhere to sell it.
2. I can’t get ris of my slurry!
Like with the Milk, loading the Slurry into a tank no Problem, but then i drove all over the map and especially at the BGA place where it Looks like i could sell or unload it, either the Trigger is not working or whatever.
So all I am currently doing is resetting the Slurry tanks that they are empty again, but it sure would be nice if selling it would work as well as a selling Point for the milk when we have already an Option to pick it up manually and not having to wait till midnight to make Money off of it.
Other than that the map is plain simply awesome, the field sizes are perfect and time flies by plaing it.
I highly recommend this map to everyone
I have a problem with selling fuel at Fuel Sales I tried just about every mod for fuel there is and no luck. I don’t get any tiping notification when I drive inside the selling box.