Hi guys and gals!
Today I have a FS17 PC mod conversion release of a set of Morton building placeables. This conversion was done by Rico Suave of Different Breed Modding (owner). Credits go to: Looseterror/twistedGA for original mod and converted by Different Breed Modding!
This is a set of Morton building placeables he converted over from FS13. They are 3 seperate buildings, 100×200, 50×100 & 40×60. They have no function, meaning the doors are gone, but they are great for storing equipment. These buildings must be placed on fairly level ground. The file must be unzipped, and place the seperate mods in your folder! This conversion of the FS17 PC mod conversion placeable set of 3 Morton Buildings is available for download! I’ll leave the link below the pics! Thanks!
Big thanks to Rico Suave for allowing me to write about his FS17 Morton buildings conversion! Sorry the doors aren’t there, but they are still great buildings for vehicle/equipment storage! Stay tuned, I have alot more to come, surprises maybe?! As always guys and gals, have a good one! Mod on Modders!
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