This is an edited version of the gtx mods multi storage shed. Functions the same as the original. It can hold 250,000 Litres of Potatoes, Sugar Beets, Woodchips, Straw, Grass, Hay and Forage. The fill trigger is inside right below the dump pit. Credits go to GTX Mods for the original shed. Hope everyone enjoys it.
Mixing Station – GTXM (MS-2001) V 1.0.0 for FS17
this machine is so great, can you not request at do same machine in diffrent color some make pig food ???
If i get that cand a machine my farm is complete 🙂
He now also have a Pig Feed Version Nick….
Hi, excellent mod. If you were added to keep corn, rapeseed, sunflower, barley and ensilage, it would be spectacular. Thanks greetings.