Podravina Final FS17
Podravina map – final version
Agricultural crops on the standard map added oats and rye
The map has a large orchard: Plums, Pears, Cherries, Apples
The map has one large forest
The map has mud
The map has a given choppedStraw that works on both oats and rye
There are 25 small fields
7 of which are your fields
All your fields that are sown are fertilized
There are 32 products you can sell
There are 10 points of sale on the map so you can sell your products
You sell cow’s and goat’s milk exclusively by transporting the tank to points of sale that give a better price
You can buy water or Well it for free
Animal Types…
Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Chickens
Make sure you don’t have another map in you Mod Folder
The folder contains a lot of mods and scripts so if you want to play it it must be alone in the mods folder
because other folders have scripts and some are not compatible with the scripts in the podravina map
because the scripts are provided only for podravina map
You DO NOT need animation map trigger or any other script for the map, all you need is built in the map.
Map works on farming simulator versions onwards
the map has no error.
Thanks for downloading the map.