Repented V 1.1 FS17
Version 1.1
Description for the Reute map
This map is a re-enactment of our place and its surroundings. It is designed for small and medium-sized equipment.
Standard fruits: wheat, barley, rape, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beet, oil
radish Additional fruits: hops (to harvest with the combine harvester)
Barley, hops, water and pallets to deliver, then beer is produced. Sale at the hotel or for more money in the clubhouse.
Bakery: to
deliver flour, pallets and water, then bread is produced. Sale at the hotel or in the clubhouse.
supplying potatoes, wheat, barley, pallets and water, then producing schnapps.
Sale at the hotel or for more money in the clubhouse.
Soybeans, wheat and pallets deliver, then flour is produced for the bakery.Sale at the country trade.
deliver rapeseed and sunflowers, then fuel is produced. Sale of the vehicle trade.
Deliver fuel, then sand is produced. Sand sale on the construction site. A camp for sand does not exist, but you can tilt as a normal pile in the landscape.
Hoftankstellen: Deliver
fuel, then vehicles can be refueled.
apples are produced with the delivery of compost from our own production and water. Transporting / collecting boxes with FS17_flieglRearDeck_UAL
These can be sold directly in the garage next to the fruit stand or used as an intermediate for the juice shop – cider making to produce apple juice.
When apples, water and pallets are delivered, apple juice is produced, which can be sold in the hotel and clubhouse.
Dairy : to deliver milk and pallets, then cheese is produced, this can be sold in the hotel.
Fertilizer production:
delivering manure and manure, then fertilizer is produced. Warehouse in the silo on the site of the land trade. There the standard spreading machines can be filled.
Seed production:
deliver fertilizer and grain (wheat, barley, corn), then seed is produced. Warehouse in the silo on the site of the land trade. There the standard seed drills can be filled.
delivering manure or straw and fuel, then compost is produced. This can be spread on the field with the manure spreader from the Pack of Farmer_Andy (www.marhu.net). Besides, it is necessary to use compost for productions on orchards.
Compound feed station:
concentrates are mixed with straw, grass and silage.
Feed Station : Pig feed is made from corn, potatoes / sugar beet / carrots, rapeseed / soybean / sunflower and grain.
There is the sawmill of Marhu, where boards are made, serve as fuel wood chips or straw. The boards can be brought to the pallet factory for production or sold at the timber trade.
Pallet plant:
where pallets are made from boards, wood chips or straw are used as fuel. These can be sold directly at the timber trade or are needed as an intermediate at several production sites.
After delivery of animals and pallets meat and sausages are produced. Meat sale in the hotel, sausage sale in the clubhouse. For this you need the vehicles from the ModPack by Kastor Food Inc. Tier Processing Pack v2.0.0.0 for LS 17
Biomass power plant:
sale of wood chips.
All products can be transported with standard standard trailers. ONLY for fuel the Schellanhänger from the KotteUniversalPack (www.marhu.net) use. From the pack you can also use other tank trailers for water, if the standard trailer is too small.
There is the main silo for wheat, barley, oilseed rape, soybeans, corn, sunflowers and hops.
A second is in Geratsweiler, where everything except hops, can be stored.
There is a warehouse for potatoes and sugar beet in Geratsweiler.
The warehouse for compost is located at the machine hall.
Timber train:
There is the wooden train. If delivered at this point, you can leave the train after loading on the lever. There is a bonus credited after some time in addition to normal earnings. But this takes a moment (about 1 min.).
Offices : Wheat, barley, oilseed rape, soybeans, corn, sunflowers, potatoes, sugar beet, hops, compost, silage, concentrated feed, pig feed and flour.
You can sell fertilizer and seeds in the shed next to the silo’s.
Manure and manure in Geratsweiler.
The rest as usual.
So that the milk is not sold automatically please pack the StopMilkSale Mod
Map is ChoppedStraw Ready
in your mods folder pack.
Log is error free.
The pack contains a stacker, a narrow pallet fork and a description.
New at Reute 1.1
-Goldnugget’s fixed
-Collision installed in the BGA Silo’s- trees of LS17 – roads with new texture
-barn built by Reute 2.2 from LS15
Many thanks to all modders who have made this map possible only through their great work
and now have fun
your Jonah
Why I can’t upgrade from 1.o? I put it in the mod folder but I can’t see it. I deleted old folder and installed the new one, but again can’t see it? Any suggestion? One of my favorite maps thou.