The placeable sawmill of Marhu, cultivated with some.
Sawmill version
Lua Update for Patch 1.4
Factory Script LUA Version: / thank u Marhu kevink98 for release.
To or are Attachments:
exchanged Pallettentextur
Height of the sawmill to the ground adapted (with base plate) are therefore not suitable for bulk because it is slightly higher than the bottom!
Fill volume values have been changed.
Wood trigger was taken Higher and Wider now is of manual unloading not unbending more necessary.
To change bottom plate textures I have two settled with instructions.
Angle House (combined)
Shelter barn (original from FS15) !! Caution !! !! not suitable for bulk
Masonry around + Hecke and driveway
little decoration
Sell: at each sale triggers which takes chips.
Who the 4Real Module 03 – Ground Response (ground) has enabled and want to placing the plant on a field should previously Grass saw.
If you do not do this you can see the dirt spraying end of the tire.
!!Danger!! The placement,
it is a little hard to find a place as this object is very large.
Possible placement are currently on the Sosnovka: almost everywhere … most suitable field 31 with driveway to the garden center
The GCV I have not tested but can gladly upload pictures of this.
ps. with a grassy area and some placeable trees around it looks quite Kind of.