Routes network Goldcrest Valley V 1.2 FS 17
Version 1.2
1. Strecken alle Abgefahren sind alle fehlerfrei
2. Felder Sind von 21 bis 31 An fahrbar und auch eine belade stelle eingerichtet
3. Felder von 10 bis 20 noch mach überprüft
4. Strecken abschnitte neu ein gefahren
Version 1.2
1. Stretching all the protesters are all error-free
2. Fields From 21 to 31 are accessible and a loading point is also set up
3. Fields from 10 to 20 still do check
4. Route sections new driven in
Hello Autodrive friends
As discussed, I have the permission is obtained later to load net high of Balu stretching.
Since I got a pose tive message about the routes network Goldcrest Valley.
And you want the möcklichkeit also can benefit.
Important: Please network your old route network from the memory Savegame1, 2.3 … outside companies and fahls stretch her euen in a oner other to keep want to have again.
Copy this file to the AutoDriveInport
In the game options to continue on key assignments and seeking the name AD: Export routes and AD: routes Inpotieren.
The two documents, AD: routes Expotiren with Ctrl + F7 and AD: routes Inpotiren with Ctrl + F8 and then save everything.
Start your Dan gewünter Score and boarding a vehicle and with the Srrg + F8 Press and trackside worth Inportirt her your Score.
To keep the stretch grid times the Score save quite normal