Scania V8 hook lift with rail trailer v1.0.4.4 FS17
The Scania has various configs.
Driving behavior has been completely revised.
Weight was too much, was reduced and better distributed
Due to the reduced weight, I had to reduce the engine power (nevertheless he pulls better now)
Now times brakes are announced, because if you overdo it then the truck tilts.
Why was this edited?
Because the truck did not steer properly, it steered and it started to pull to the side rather late.
Hope you find a little more pleasure now 😉
Rail Trailer version still have the object attacher
Rail trailer operation : from
Drive from behind to the rail trailer Press X, if the hook is about 90 ° then press Y, sometimes 2 times to make it respond. This serves to keep the Scania at the bottom of the ground with the wheels !!
The container must now be coupled / secured!
Meanwhile, drive 1-2 meters before and pay attention to the deduction point on the trailer.
Do you want to pull the container from the rail trailer, then you have to do the following:
You first disconnect the container on the trailer, then you automatically change to the trailer.
Then you press X and the crosspoint of the container disappears.
You can see it by watching the white dome icon on the bottom right, if you have the help window open, there is also something you can do with the trailer, whether it can be connected or disconnected.
Only when the dome is gone (with key X), the trailer can also be decoupled, otherwise you coupled the container all the time on and off without the trailer to get rid of.
Of course, key X is also used to show the dome point again
You CAN also unload directly with the trailer, but I do not support it, because it is not true to reality!
Multiplayer is also possible if you use the mod MPOwner
If the vehicle is registered in the MP on your name, then you tell the game that your hoster of this vehicle since and already with uncoupling of a container.