Sell Point placeable V 2.5.150 FS17
Version 2.5.150
Neue Produkte hinzugefüg:
Hopfen Zwiebel Karotte Dinkel Triticale Kopfsalat hmilk Schnäpse
Brot Bier Sand Seeds2 Kalk
Erhöhte Preisskala
150% des normal Preises
Version 2.5.150
Add new products:
Hop onion carrot spelled triticale lettuce hmilk booze
Bread Beer Sand Seeds2 lime
Increased price scale
150% of the normal price
You can sell:
wheat barley rape sunflower soybean maize potato sugarBeet fertilizer
manure seeds forage forage_mixing chaff woodChips silage straw pigFood
grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow liquidFertilizer milk digestate
liquidManure fuel wool treeSaplings compost rye oat
Version 1.5:
Trigger changed:
Sell with all Vehicle
Produkte hinzugefügt:
grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow liquidFertilizer
milk digestate liquidManure fuel wool treeSaplings compost
Version 2.0
Product added:
rye and oat
Textures repainted
Version 2.5
Product added:
hops onion carrot spelt triticale lettuce hmilk booze bread
beer sand logs boardwood seeds2 lime
Version *.*.0:
Normal Version
Version *.*.150
Pricesquare 150% to Normalprice
No log errors
can you add Bales?
About three weeks ago I start experienced problems in the original Gold Crest map. Sell point 150 mod started to disappear from the map after saving. Every time when I placed Sell poin 150, it has gone when I start the game next time.
The FS17 latest update did not bring any change to the problem.