Serenity Valley V 2.0 Trains FS17
Version 2.0 Trains!
With V2.0, you now have the Train System! Also fixed errors in the log and all gates should be working correctly now. Also added a few new buildings and Hub Stations for the train system. Farm Silo can store Hay, Grass, Sugar Beet, Potatoes, Silage, Straw, and Forage.
This is my first map creation of a large farm with 36 fields, Cows, Pigs, Sheep and Chickens. There are a lot of shelters scattered about for storing your machines and also a small area for forestry. I created this map for fun and just wanted to share it. I am still working on it and if you find any errors please feel free to contact me. I am new at this. I hope you enjoy it.
Delete the train system . no one uses it and it ruined a lot of fields
I am new FS17 player and I like this map! I am stuck with the seed storage though…It doesn’t seem that I can load it I have tired to use tipper wagons or auger wagons but I can put any seed in it? anyone have any suggestions?