Südhemmern Private Edition V 12
Version Private Edition V 12
Eierhof zur Produktion von Eierpaletten eingebaut; Eierpalettenverkauf eingebaut; Papierfabrik zur Produktion von Papierpaletten eingebaut, Verkaufsstelle für Papierpaletten am Amtsgericht verbaut; Zigarettenfabrik eingebaut, diese braucht Papierpaletten aus der Papierfabrik; neben den 3 Tierhändlern, bei welchen man Tiere kaufen kann, sind nun separate Verkaufsstellen eingerichtet; Schweineverkauf beim Metzger in Südhemmern, Kuhverkauf beim Schlachter in Hille, Schafverkauf beim Bauern in Hartum; bei den Händlern sind nun animierte Tiere verbaut; die Füllmengen aller Produktionen überarbeitet und weitegehnd einheitlich: Industrieanzeigen und Lageranzeigen ergänzt; Mischfutterproduktion von Gras auf Heu umgestellt; eine Grastrocknung eingebaut, wo aus Gras Heu produziert wird; der Pferdehof ist komplett umgebaut wordeb, auch dort befinden sich nun animierte Tiere, auf dem Hof gibt es einen neuen Kuhstall, einen neuen Schweinestall, die Mist- nd Gülleeinheit bei den Kühen sowie die Misteinheit bei den Schweinen ist komplett durch neue ersetzt worden; einige weitere kleinere Umbauten auf dem Hof sind erfolgt; die Abladestelle am Hauptsilo hat nun animierte Klappen; es ist extrem viel neue Dekoration verbaut worden (weitere Tier- und Menschen-Splines), die Map ist mit und ohne Seasons-Mod zu spielen, die Snowmask ist versteckt; für den Seasons-Mod sind die Saat- und Erntezeiten überarbeitet und werden für alle Früchte korrekt angezeigt; die Kirchturmuhren sind animiert und zeigen die Ingame-Zeit an; die Beschilderung ist ergänzt worden; und vieles mehr, was ich schon wieder vergessen habe; alle bisher bekannten Fehler wurden beseitigt.
Version Private Edition V 12
Egg farm built to produce egg pallets; Egg pallets built in; Paper factory installed for the production of paper pallets, selling point for paper pallets installed at the court of justice; Cigarette factory, which needs paper pallets from the paper factory; in addition to the three animal merchants where animals can be bought, separate sales outlets are now set up; Sale of pigs at the butcher in southern hemis, sale of cow at the butcher in Hille, sale of sheep at the farmers in Hartum; Animated animals are now installed at the merchants; the filling quantities of all productions were revised and widely uniform: supplemented by industrial advertisements and stock displays; Compound feed production from grass to hay; a gravel drying is installed, where hay is produced from grass; the horse farm has been completely remodeled, there are also animated animals, there is a new cowshed, a new pig farm, the dung and manure unit at the cows, and the pigs’ minting unit has been completely replaced by new ones; some other minor conversions have been made on the farm; the unloading point at the main line now has animated flaps; (more animal and human splines), the map has to be played with and without Seasons Mod, the Snowmask is hidden; for the Seasons Mod the seed and harvest times are revised and are displayed correctly for all fruits; the church clocks are animated and display the ingame time; the signposting has been completed; and much more, which I have already forgotten; all known errors have been eliminated.
Just in time for Nicholas I would like to publish the first version of Südhemmern-Map from the LS 15 for the LS 17 and hope I can one or the other player to make a little treat. Due to the extensive changes to the LS 17, it is practically a reconstruction of the previous map.
The map consists of the villages Südhemmern (center), Hartum (west) and Hille (Eastern).
There have been created 42 fields, of which you are at the beginning. 4 There are 2 large meadows, which are not defined as fields, so that they can not be edited with a Helder (which is done deliberately so). By the middle of the map of Midland Canal runs from west to east with 5 bridges.
All animals (chickens, pigs, cows and sheep) are deviating from the old version of the LS 15 now directly on the farm and can be supplied there. On the farm there are separate silos for Gtreidesorten, a camp for potatoes and sugar beet, a camp for straw, grass and hay sowei a camp for silage and chopped. The Abkipporte and Entnhamen are clearly visible. In addition, is still a stock for crap installed that can be taken, however, only with normal followers again. Unfortunately Miststreuer not load this directly from the warehouse, which is due to the scatterers, I can not change now. On the farm (hydrant) and behind the farm (well), there are also water. In addition to one of the barns, the shelf for big packs is set, but there is also a small cottage for seed and spreading fertilizer, where the equipment can be filled directly. Fertilizer spraying can not loaded there.
Spread over the map, there is a hamlet and 3 barns, where everything can be tilted, which is attributed to the Hoflager. On the PDA, this tipping stations are referred to as Hof.Silo and so easy to find. These are used for the storage to spare driveways, who wants to use it. Dor is also available each seed and spreading fertilizer.
Since the Hoflager are limited to 250,000 l can additionally ashore trade in Hille (entrance) can be stored. There, the capacity is limited to 500,000 liters per fill type. The storage there costs money. Removal is also there on the red tube.
There are the fruits wheat, barley, canola, soybeans, corn, rye, oats, potatoes, sugar beets.
In addition, the grain train and timber train from the LS 15 are installed. This train can be after loading Submit and so gets additional revenue.
It is also fitted the sawmill of Marhu. The sales pitch for the boards pallets located in the train yard. There is a timber loading station is set up.
As in the LS 15, the traffic lights are installed from the LS 13 and run. In the unpacking ZIP-still is next to the map ZIP another ZIP, the need in the modfolder. Traffic lights cause a small LOG-entry, but does not affect the game. On the control boxes can turn off the lights also.
The outlets are displayed in the PDA all. At the flour mill there are two tilting, respectively accept only certain fruits. At the entrance are signs. There are two trigger sales at the sawmill from the LS 15 in the northwest, once the timber train, as already mentioned, and the timber pond, in which you have to reinsetzen backwards. When one is deep enough, the logs are sold.
The reset point is no longer the merchants, but in the yard.
There are 3 Viehändler, instead of just one. In Hartum there are pigs in Hille there are cows and in the center there are only sheep (traders symbols are displayed on the PDA. I thought it was stupid that a trader is to sell all kinds of animals, which is not realistic, so my Solution.
On the Map some shelters are built for tipping and two placeholders for more, for those who simply want to tilt and have fun on the blades or the conveyor belts.
There is a large BGA with 2 Transit silos. In addition to the barn are two transit silos so that sufficient produce silage is who because fun has it.
One can sell 3x straw, once a straw power plant at the normal price, even at the EiMoAG at a slightly higher price and once in the Landi at the highest price (if you have not delivered much).
So, I find it more now no longer a, I wish a beautiful game