This is very important you add all the mods included in this folder other wise the map will have errors. Dedication to hobbs farm: region of texas. Ive added 4 new custom rides included. In order for them to show up on the map they have to be included!! Move all mods here into your mod folder.
Changelog: this map was orginally hobbs farm version 4 for fs15. Converted to play on fs17. A few new buildings were replaced to meet requirements for fs17.
This map is fully set up with vehicles, animals & much more. The mods included are required!!!
Welcome to texas this is for fs17. This map was built for big machinery. 14 huge fields you own 7 . Missions, gold nuggets, bga & forestry is included in this map. You start out with a preowned farm. Passed down to you from family. You have 500 cows, 500 sheep, 500 pigs & 500 chickens. Most of your rss are maxed out so you get a chance to decide where your gonna start first. All the needed machinery is included with space for extra mod parking. There is a working animated repair/workshop located at the main farm. Run down to the train station/bga and you will find a silo where you can buy all foods. Prices vary by the quanty. 2 sets of forestry & loads of sell points scatter on the map.
Map has been tested and is both mp & sp ready. Player has permission to connect fields for bigger harvest. Rember: the mods included are required!!!
Note: i dont have a webcam so making a video is impossible for me. How ever i was able to make screenshots while in game.