Vallée Grand-Ducale V 1.0 FS17
B3M Team present “Vallée Grand-Ducale” the first farmingsimulator map to be in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The map has many fonctionnality:
-grapes, wine, …
-Many fabrik script (carton, pallet, wheatflour, wine, strawberry, …)
-Possibility to feed horse
-3 farm
-1 ETA
-1 BGA
-New crop texture
-Chopped straw is integrated
-And many other !
-All necessary mod are int he pack TO UNZIP !!!
-The grape harvester : http://www.fsmods17.com/new-holland-9060l-v0-1-fs17/
-The mcompany graphic : http://modsfile.com/xvkxsngvublp/FS17_mCompanyGraphics.zip.html