Hello dear user,
I attach great importance to reality.
I would like to introduce you to my map “Waldsassen” for the agricultural simulator 2017.
This is a map with a lot of nature and a rather hilly terrain, but this should not be compared with the Alps. This map has taken care of every detail. She was built with love especially from me and the help of my team at that time.
What already exists?
– 2 courtyards
– Large E-ON biogas plant
– Medium E-ON biogas plant
– A hay barn where the harvest can be unloaded and later
Can be loaded again with a shovel
– 2 selling points for cereals
– Small forest areas
– Sawmill
– A small village
– Many fields (small / medium / large)
– Dealers
– Animals (except sheep)
– All sales points
– Very very many details
And much more.
Thanks to all the pictures and the upcoming videos you can make your own picture over it ..
What is still important?
thought to make a small community project out of it.
Once you have downloaded the map, look at it and give me all the feedback. Whether positive or negative. I want to make this project perfect together with you. But I can only do this if you take me with me on a common knit. So give tidy feedback which still needs to be done.
Ein besonderes Danke geht an alle Tester und Personen die mir bei dieser Map geholfen haben.