Walkabout MotherBin V 2.0 FS17
Version 2.0
Update version 2 vom 7.05.2017:
Deichsel fixiert, Gewichtsverteilung verändert, Lenkeinschlag (Lenk-Radius) der Räder angepasst
Version 2.0
Update version 2 from 7.05.2017:
Drawbar fixed, weight distribution changed, steering angle (steering radius) adjusted to the wheels
The Mother Bin is an overloading car which serves as a mobile temporary storage for the field so that the threshing column can work without interruption.
Volume: 175,500 L
Price: 154.500, – €
Maintenance: 15, – €
Fruittypes: AugerWaggon
And very important: the part has an enormous space requirement and is thus not necessarily suitable for small maps
Published on other pages exclusively with my original Downloadlink!
May be published on this site!
Posté sur d ‘autres sites uniquement avec mon lien de téléchargement original!
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Opublikovano na drugikh saytakh tol’ko s moyey pervonachal’noy zagruzki ssylku!
Zve?ejn?ny na jiných místech výhradn? s mým p?vodním odkaz ke stažení!
Nice mod, not have backward steering. Weird.
If only it was colorable…