ZIL 4334 v1.0 FS17
-The trolley is fully tuned under the Gear Box (mod on the gearbox). -There are real and accurate betting numbers for each transfer. -Now has 5 forward gears and 1 backward. -The same was added 5 variants of the engine (120h.s, 2 engines for 150h.s, 230h.s, 240 hp). -All engines have their own sounds. -Color selection: cab, grille, body. -Max. The speed is 85 km / h. -The price is 51000. -Two types of body, simple and silo – 14000 and 20000 liters. respectively. -Preceptor: it costs 19,000 volumes of 14,000 and 20,000 liters. -Animated suspension, mud flaps. -Working equipment, light, mirrors. -Shaped / washed-Clean log. Authors: Sanjka86, Denis, Eraevgenij, Tractorist56rus, SSha. Adaptation under the Gear Box: Orel RuS.